Wednesday 18 November 2009

Being cheeky to Sir

A new school year, a new set of teachers to break in.

Minnie is now in Mr Custardcream's class. Mr Custardcream is my age and is surprisingly cool. He went on Tiswas as a kid (ask a middle-aged person what this was) and used to know Ozzy Osbourne (ask an old person who this is).

Minnie is very taken with Mr Custardcream. She has started answering the register in Japanese, which he takes with good humour. She cheeks him in French, and has also tried a bit of German out on him.

Minnie seems to have more aptitude for foreign languages than James, even though I can't altogether approve of her motivation. Still, it's the LingQ way and I don't want to discourage her. This could be the start of a life-long love affair - hopefully with language learning rather than with Mr Custardcream.

Does anyone know where I can find a source of beginner-level sassiness in French, German and Japanese suitable for an eight-year old?

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